Mobilier Singulier.

Fabrice Ausset at the Sarto Galeries

For the Paris Design Week - PDW - 2022, the architect and designer Fabrice Ausset is pleased to unveil Singular Furniture, an exhibition at the Sarto Gallery.


« I was raised in Nature and I'm particularly aware of it. Even when I was young, I picked up elements from nature: animal skeletons, rocks, stones, pieces of wood… I collected them and combined them to create artefacts. » The exhibition will explore ten years of creation, from a selection of the designer’s most iconic and significant pieces (Webwood Table, Silverwing Bench, etc.) to his latest designs.


More than fifteen furniture pieces will retrace his journey (seats and lights, screens and vases…) and be put in dialogue with the abstract and lyrical world of French artist François Benoit Lison.